SOAP is a protocol designation for shuffle structured information in the application of Web
Services in computer networks. It depends on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for its
message format, and normally depend on other Application Layer protocols, most notably
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for information
agreement and transmission.
Consuming SOAP web services from Android
"Though SOAP based web-services are limited in these days, but there are lots of those services
from Android, it is very important to know the procedure of consuming"Though SOAP based
web-services are limited in these days, but there are lots of old companies whose web-services
are still SOAP-based. If anyone wants to consume those services from Android, it is very
important to know the procedure of consuming SOAP-based webservice.
Now, we will learn how to consume SOAP web services from Android. Before starting
from Android, it is very important to know the procedure of consuming"Though SOAP based
web-services are limited in these days, but there are lots of old companies whose web-services
are still SOAP-based. If anyone wants to consume those services from Android, it is very
important to know the procedure of consuming SOAP-based webservice.
Now, we will learn how to consume SOAP web services from Android. Before starting
code, we have to collect some information:
Parameter List
SOAP_MESSAGE (for Nested Parameters and Multiple Namespaces)
Now, the question is how can we get these information? if your client or service provider
give you all the information, you won’t need anything and know more about
Android Training in Chandigarh.
How it works?
URL: It is the url of WSDL file.
NAMESPACE: The targetNamespace in WSDL.
METHOD_NAME: It is the method name in web service. We can have several
You can obtain above details by reading WSDL file of web service.
The soap web service that we are going used in this example have only one
method that takes a number as parameter and find its square.
How to call soap web service?
- First create request object of SoapObject class.
- Now add information to request object that you want to send to web service.
This is done using PropertyInfo class.
- Create soap envelope using SoapSerializationEnvelope class.
- Assign request object to envelope using setOutput SoapObject().
- Create object of HttpTransportSE() class. Using this object call the
soap web service.
- We can get return from web service by using getResponse() method
of SoapSerializationEnvelope class. The response is gathered into SoapPrimitive
reference variable.
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